Lord’s Day 5

Devotion: God’s Perfect Satisfaction


As teenagers, we often wrestle with questions about our purpose, sin, and redemption. The Heidelberg Catechism provides insightful answers that guide us toward a deeper understanding of God’s grace. Today, let’s explore Questions 12 to 15 and discover how they impact our faith journey.

Questions and Answers

  1. Question 12: Our Deserved Punishment

“Since then, by the righteous judgment of God, we deserve temporal and eternal punishment, is there no way by which we may escape that punishment and be again received into favor?”

Answer: God’s justice demands satisfaction for our sin. We stand guilty before Him, deserving both temporal and eternal punishment. But is there hope? Let’s find out.

  1. Question 13: Our Inability to Satisfy God’s Justice

“Can we make this satisfaction by ourselves?”

Answer: No, we cannot. Our sinfulness prevents us from satisfying God’s justice on our own. Our efforts fall short; we need divine intervention.

  1. Question 14: The Role of a Mediator

“Can any mere creature make satisfaction for us?”

Answer: No mere creature can fully satisfy God’s justice. Only a perfect and divine Savior can bridge the gap. Enter Jesus Christ—the ultimate Mediator.

  1. Question 15: The Ideal Mediator

“What kind of mediator and deliverer must we seek?”

Answer: We need a mediator who is both true God and true man. Jesus Christ fulfills this role perfectly. He represents us before God, reconciling us to Him.

Reflection and Prayer

Take a moment to reflect on these truths:

  • God’s Justice: Consider the seriousness of sin and the justice required. Thank God for His mercy.
  • Our Inability: Acknowledge your inability to save yourself. Surrender your pride and self-sufficiency.
  • Jesus, Our Mediator: Praise Jesus for being the perfect Mediator. Thank Him for bridging the gap between God and humanity.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus—the Mediator who satisfies Your justice. Help us trust in His work and find refuge in His grace. Amen.

Feel free to personalize this devotion, share it with friends, and discuss it together. May God’s truth resonate in your hearts as you seek Him! 🙏✨