Teen Devotional: Jesus Is King of Everything
Focus Verse:
“And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.” – Colossians 1:18


The Question:
Why the next words: “and sits at the right hand of God”?

The Answer:
Christ ascended to heaven to show that He is head of His church, and that the Father rules all things through Him.

Devotional Thought:
Imagine for a moment that your favorite band, sports team, or gamer won the biggest competition or award in the world. They’re crowned the best. How would you feel? Now imagine they did something even cooler—they invited you to celebrate with them, not just as a fan, but as part of their inner circle!

That’s a little like what Jesus has done, but on a cosmic scale. Heidelberg Catechism Question 50 reminds us that Jesus didn’t just rise from the dead and disappear into the clouds. When He ascended, He sat at the right hand of God. This means He’s in charge—of everything. He’s not just a faraway King; He’s the leader of the church and the ruler of all creation.

Why does this matter? It shows that Jesus isn’t out of control, even when life feels chaotic. When things get tough—school pressure, friendships, or figuring out who you are—you can trust that Jesus is still King. He’s working everything out for His glory and your good.

The coolest part? Jesus doesn’t keep His victory to Himself. He invites you to be part of His story, part of His team. As a member of His church, you get to live under His perfect rule, knowing that He’s got your back and is working everything out.


  1. How does knowing Jesus rules everything help you when life feels hard?
  2. What’s one area of your life where you need to trust Jesus as King?

King Jesus, thank You for ruling over everything and inviting me to be part of Your church. Help me trust You more, especially when life feels out of control. Thank You for being a good and powerful leader. Amen.

Challenge for the Week:
Take 5 minutes each day to think about an area of your life that feels chaotic or stressful. Then, remind yourself: “Jesus is King over this, too.” Ask Him to help you trust His plan.